You've Got Mail #15

This weeks post is way more exciting than last week! Here's my incoming...
One this week - from Katherine in San Fran
And Katherine also sent me an amazing gift (more on this next week when I share my Halloween decor!)
This is my favourite part!
And all of my outgoing...!
A parcel going to Katherine
And a reply for Kat too!
A birthday present for my friends dog (yes I'm serious! He's a cutie)
A simple envelope for my friend Annie
A postcard swap for my pen pal club - look how cute!
Finally, another swap for my pen pal group - this was Halloween themed.
We were tasked to just be imaginative with our mail art
I am quite proud of this part!
I also include some lollies (the treat) and a bunch of glittery stars (the trick!)
Phew, so pleased with this lot - I sent out a bunch of things I've been meaning to take care of! Have you sent any mail lately?
Take care
Megan xo

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