March Goal Recap

I'm a bit late with this post this month, but here it is!
  1. sleep better - Um. Really failing with this. My sleep is all over the place of late :-(
  2. eat better and cook more - Cooking more, but my food choices are still...bad
  3. focus on my blog - OK, sorry blog I haven't focused on you but I am feeling inspired now!
  4. Start exercising more - Mega super fail
  5. finish my course - Only 9 weeks left!!!
  6. find volunteer work at a vet clinic and get into my vet nurse course - I am organising my resume and will start taking them to vet clinics soon!
  7. go on regular coffee dates with myself - Boo! I didn't do this at all 
  8. be more organised -Still my most succesful goal! I am so organised right now, I love it!
  9. goodreads challenge - 24 books - I am still in a reading slump and I am 5 books behind schedule!
  10.  Daily instax again! - still going well!
Oh well, hopefully April will be better (it's not shaping up to be haha). I'm not putting too much pressure on myself, that has the opposite affect with me!
 Yes I spent 15 minutes making this

How are you going with your 2015 goals?
Megan xo 

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