Daily Instax April 9 - 22

The last fortnight has been pretty good! I went back to TAFE and I got to hang out with my friends a few times so it was really nice! :-)
So happy in his new bed + so happy my windowsill was fixed so her butt can go on it again
Mum visited and as per usual Violet is a traitor + floppy eared idiot with his ball <3
Seemed to drive a lot this day (don't worry, I was parked when I took this!) + I made banana cake mmmm
New blankets (so spoiled) + dream hair accomplished - brown with purple tips!

Pancakes in Katoomba + first day of term selfie with my new favourite hoody (what is wrong with my face here?)
Ended up buying another new bed because these two fought over it, then the impossible happened, they were both using them at the same time! + my little sleepyhead - it's so cold so the cats are happy because there are blankets out!
Take care
Megan xo 

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